V Annual Encounter – August 2012

Our 5th annual encounter with Mestre Jogo de Dentro, held in August 2012, was in honor of            Mestre Joao Pequeno, who passed away in December 2011.
Mestre Joao Pequeno, disciple of Mestre Pastinha and teacher of our own Mestre Jogo de Dentro,
was a key figure in modern history of Capoeira Angola, a man who dedicated his life to preserve, teach and keep alive the rich tradition of Capoeira Angola.                                                                 During the 10 days of the event we had a weekend in the Carmel woods, workshops, rodas and Samba de roda with guests from all over the country and some members of our group’s branchs in Italy ( Milan and Bari).

art by Canario

opening roda

dinner in the woods

music class in Carmel forest

after class roda in Tel-Aviv

after class roda in Tel-Aviv

after class roda in Tel-Aviv

rehearsing our samba de roda

Mestre Joao Pequeno

on the way to the Roda, Hadar, Haifa

on the way to the Roda, Hadar, Haifa

closing roda of the event