X Semeando !

Semeando Capoeira Angola is an international event that takes place every two years in different cities of Bahia, Brazil. The idea is to value, rescue, learn and further strengthen our knowledge of Capoeira Angola together with older capoeiristas and pass it on to the younger ones, in order to keep this cultural art alive. Between […]

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this Friday another QUINTAL DO SEMENTE ! 10:00 roda de capoeira angola around 12:00 vegen lunch with the best FUL in the area a seminar will be presented giving a broad overview of what is samba de roda, and for desert  samba de roda  with camarão da viola!

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Candomblé exhibition, April 2016

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MiLSZvhUPQ some moments from the exhibition Candomblé, organized by the Israeli chapter of the capoeira group Semente do Jogo de Angola. as M Jogo de Dentro always encourages us to dive dipper into Afro-Brazilian culture, the event was held as part of our learning journey, this time with a focus on the Afro-Brazilian religion – Candomblé. among […]

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